Murielle Victorine Scherre is the founder and person behind the lingerie brand la fille d'O.
In 2003, with la fille d'O, she created a brand free of aesthetic, technical and economic compromises and has since been considered a pioneer in the world of sustainability, lingerie development and its design.
Besides lingerie, Murielle is known as a speaker on issues of independent entrepreneurship and sustainability, as well as for her documentary-style writing and photography. In 2009, she made the controversial erotic film ‘j'fais du porno et j'aime ça’, which was screened internationally and is often used in educational contexts.
As a speaker, Murielle likes to discuss topics such as sustainable and circular enterprising, the human image in the media, entrepreneurship, the local production chain, inclusiveness in fashion,... linking the story of la fille d'O to current developments.