Canadian singer Lynda Lemay recently embarked on a long journey with her monumental project ‘Il était onze fois’: 11 albums with 11 songs in 1111 days. The equivalent of a 30-year career. The first album was launched on the 10th of the 11th of 2020, the 11th album on the 11th of the 11th of 2023. So the deadline of the 1111th day (27-11-2023) had been met!

The show ‘La vie est un conte de fous’ (Life is a tale of fools) promises a cruise through the tides of songs that obey the winds of the day, changing colour as time passes. Her chiselled verses dissect themes of family, old age, ‘hommerie’, love, grief.... Lynda imposes her gentle swell on the audience, who are rocked with confidence.

Flanked by her talented multi-instrumentalists Claude Pineault and Marc Angers, Lynda invites the audience to immerse themselves heart and soul in the depth of the life she tells. ‘La vie est un conte de fous’ changes every night and gives way to new creations along the way.